Digestive and immune support supplements: not all the same

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There is a lot of talk lately on enhancing the digestive system of a cow / calve and boosting their immune system as well. Since 80% of the immune system of an animal is in the digestive system it is safe to say that if we modify the digestive system, we can boost immunity or assist the immune system in combating disease and toxins. 

Digestive supplements come in forms of direct fed microbials (yeasts, probiotics, enzymes) live organisms that directly modify the digestive system to assist with digestion of nutrients, maintain rumen pH, boost appetite,  build the microbiome (rumen bugs) and boost daily gain in calves. 

Immune support supplements taken orally assist the immune system in dealing with invaders such as mycotoxin, salmonella, e-coli, and other issues that would cause sickness and digestive problems in ruminants. Immune system supplements can be bagged dry colostrum for calves, and hyperimmune colostral antibodies or can be digestive supplements that play dual roles of enhancing digestion and boosting the  immune system with beneficial bacteria and yeast to take up space so toxin don’t have a chance to colonize as well as stimulating immune responses.

Some immune supplements contain toxin binders that can come in many forms from prebiotics, charcoal or clay. The premise of the latter is to soak up toxins whereas prebiotic in the form of mannon oligosaccharides bind with toxin as well as providing nutrients to good bacteria. 

To decide on a supplement comes down to two questions: do I want to Prevent an issue? or Resolve an issue? Once we have an answer to this question then we can decide on a supplement that fits with your needs. 

Digestive issues could be dealing with scours, off feed, rumen acidosis, poor milk production, low butter fat or protein numbers. Immune system issues can be scour and diarrhea control, sick and unthrifty calves, high stomatic cell counts. 

When picking a digestive or immune system booster consider using a supplement that plays multiple roles of enhancing both digestion and eliminating toxin and pathogens such as Dairymans Choice; a direct fed microbial containing beneficial bacteria, prebiotic, and live yeast.  Dairymans Choice is safe and effective and can be used in conjunction with other supplements.


Amino Acids and gut health: The benefits of L-Glutamine for a healthy digestive system.


Feeding Supplements